The server configuration can be found in the user\mods\fika-server\assets\configs
folder. Open up fika.jsonc
with a text editor.
"client": {
"useBtr": true, // if the BTR should spawn on streets, default: true
"friendlyFire": true, // if friendly fire is enabled, default: true
"dynamicVExfils": false, // if vehicle exfils should scale to the amount of players in raid rather than default to 4, default: false
"allowFreeCam": false, // if the free cam can be toggled freely, default: false
"allowSpectateFreeCam": false, // if we are allowed to freecam when spectating players after death or extraction. Freecam is still enabled if all players have died or extracted, default: false
"allowItemSending": true, // if item sending should be enabled, default: true
"blacklistedItems": [], // item template ids that cannot be sent, e.g. ["5c94bbff86f7747ee735c08f", "5c1d0f4986f7744bb01837fa"] would not allow players to send access cards and black keycards
"forceSaveOnDeath": false, // if saving is forced upon death, preventing ALT+F4 cheese, default: false
"mods": {
"required": [], // required mods on the server, if enabled you should always include standard SPT mods: ["com.SPT.custom", "com.SPT.singleplayer", "com.SPT.core", "com.SPT.debugging", "com.fika.core", "com.bepis.bepinex.configurationmanager"]
"optional": [] // mods that are allowed outside of required
"useInertia": true, // if inertia should be enabled, default: true
"sharedQuestProgression": false, // if quest progression in raid should be shared, default: false
"canEditRaidSettings": true, // if editing raid settings is allowed, default: true
"enableTransists": true // if transit system is enabled, default: true
"server": {
"giftedItemsLoseFIR": true, // if sent items should lose their FiR status, default: true
"launcherListAllProfiles": false, // if launcher should show all profiles, default: false
"sessionTimeout": 5, // how long the server waits for a keepalive ping from a client until the session is considered crashed, default: 5
"showDevProfile": false, // if dev profiles can be created, default: false
"showNonStandardProfile": false // if non-standard EFT profiles can be created, default: false
"natPunchServer": {
"enable": false, // if nat punching should be enabled; requires FikaServerTools, default: false
"port": 6970, // nat punching port, default: 6970
"natIntroduceAmount": 1
"dedicated": {
"profiles": {
"amount": 0 // how many dedicated client profiles should be generated, default: 0
"scripts": {
"generate": true, // if a launch script should be generated upon generating a dedicated client profile, default: true
"forceIp": "" // ip to set in the launch script, default: empty
"background": {
"enable": true, // use fika background in the SPT launcher, default: true
"easteregg": false // enable easter egg, default: false
Last updated